Letter to Serrano Board of Directors

Background: On January 10, Don Sacco, President of the SOA sent the following letter to John Hidahl (Click on the letters for large view).

Sacco’s Letter:

It is our opinion that this letter is misrepresenting the views of a majority of residents in Serrano.  If you agree, you can submit the following letter to the Serrano Board with a copy to John Hidahl by hitting the “Sign Now” button, below.

If you want to be informed of any future developments on this topic, please check the box “ADD ME TO YOUR MAILING LIST TO KEEP YOU INFORMED ABOUT THIS”

Letter to SOA Board

Dear SOA Board of Directors

I was disturbed by the action of Board President Don Sacco in writing the letter to John Hidahl with his comments about the CEDHSP. Apparently he did not discuss this with any Serrano resident in any meeting or communication. In fact, many Serrano residents as well as 91% of registered voters voted against the development of the property. In the meeting at the District Church on 1/13/2020 over 500 residents, including Serrano residents, overwhelming rejected this project.

I believe President Sacco was out of line with his letter and has violated the trust and fiduciary responsibility to the residents of the Serrano Community.

I am requesting that you do not consider me as being in agreement with the position of the Serrano Homeowner's association in this matter.

%%your signature%%

cc: John Hidahl
0 signatures