Proposed Project (1000 Dwelling Units) as proposed by Serrano Associates. (1299 pdf pages!)
I have tried to summarize the alternatives (163 pdf pages!) here:
Alternative 1 No Project (312 Dwelling Units)
- Assumes that the land uses within the project area would remain as currently entitled (Serrano Village D1, Lots C and D) and as current General Plan land use designations allow (Pedregal and the former El Dorado Hills Executive Golf Course).
- A General Plan amendment, El Dorado Hills Specific Plan amendment, or rezoning would not be required.
- Buildout of existing plans and/or entitlements under the theoretical maximum density for the project area would allow development under the No-Project Alternative of up to 759 dwelling units on 181 acres.
- Pedregal planning area limits allowable development to a total of 312 dwelling units on the 341-acre project site (93 developed acres).
- 168 detached, single-family residential units at a density of <1–5 dwelling units per acre (du/ac)
- 144 multifamily residential units at a density of 14–24 du/ac.
- The Serrano Westside planning area encompasses Serrano Village D1, Lots C and D, which would be developed with residential uses consistent with the 1988 El Dorado Hills Specific Plan (EDHSP). Within the Serrano Westside planning area, 41.2 acres would be developed with detached, single-family residential units at a density of <1–5 du/ac (135 dwelling units).
- The former El Dorado Hills Executive Golf Course property would remain in its existing state as maintained vacant land.
- Pedregal planning area limits allowable development to a total of 312 dwelling units on the 341-acre project site (93 developed acres).
Alternative 2 Reduced Density (672 Dwelling Units)
- Reduced Density Compared to the proposed project, the Reduced-Density Alternative would reduce the total number of dwelling units from 1,000 to 672 but would increase the development footprint by over 50 acres to accommodate the reduced density (from 134 acres for the proposed project to 185 acres under this alternative).
- This alternative would provide the least open space—130 acres—of all the alternatives, and 39 fewer acres of open space than the proposed project. This alternative assumes development of Village D1, Lots C and D (135 units) and combines the current approved land uses and existing housing types within the Serrano Westside planning area with development of the Pedregal planning area as envisioned under the proposed project.
Alternative 3 Reduced Wetland Impact (915 Dwelling Units)
- This alternative is Intended to reduce wetland impacts compared to the proposed project through changes to the location and density of development. A total of 0.24 acre of wetland would be affected under this alternative, versus 2.9 acres of wetlands and other waters of the United States under the proposed project. The Reduced-Wetland-Impact Alternative would reduce the quantity and density of potential dwelling units in the Serrano Westside planning area and would include the development of Serrano Village D1, Lots C and D (135 units), which would be designated as Open Space under the proposed project. Of the 341-acre total site area, 168 acres would comprise the development footprint and approximately 173 acres would remain in open space use.
- Buildout of this Alternative would result in the development of
- 68 low-density units
- 294 medium-low density units
- 200 medium-high density units
- 353 high-density units
- total of 915 dwelling units on approximately 139 acres.
- Assumes construction of duplexes and half-plexes within the Pedregal planning area as a means to increase density, while reducing and configuring the development footprint to avoid wetlands.
Alternative 4 Zoning-Consistent (654 Dwelling Units)
- Assumes that the land uses in the project area would be developed pursuant to current zoning therefore a County General Plan amendment and EDHSP amendment would not be required.
- Consists of developing
- 510 detached, single-family residential units at a density of less than 1 to 5 dwelling units per acre on the Westside planning area north of Serrano Parkway
- 135 units on Serrano Village D1 Lots C and D and 375 units on Pedregal
- 144 attached, multifamily residential units at a density of 14 to 24 dwelling units per acre on the Pedregal planning area.
- Open space and parkland would be dedicated (173 acres).
- This alternative would include 5 acres zoned for a church.
- The former El Dorado Hills Executive Golf Course property would remain under its current zoning of Recreational Facilities, High-Intensity (RFH).5 and would be developed as active recreational facilities that could include uses permitted by the RFH zone district such as a tennis and aquatics facility, day-use and night-use sporting fields, amusement complex, indoor or outdoor entertainment facilities, hotels, and general merchandise sales.
Alternative 5 Senior Living (1763 Dwelling Units)
- The former Executive Golf Course south of Serrano Parkway would be developed as a senior living facility.
- The senior living facility assumes a continuing care retirement community (CCRC), which provides residential services, on-site amenities and recreation, and health care.
- A County General Plan amendment and EDHSP amendment would be required. The Senior Living Alternative would consist of developing
- 37 detached, single-family residential units at a density of <1–5 dwelling units per acre on the Pedregal planning area, identical to the proposed project,
- 226 single-family residential units at a density of 8–14 dwelling units per acre on the Serrano Westside planning area north of Serrano Parkway, and
- 300 attached, multi-family residential units at a density of 14–24 dwelling units per acre in both planning areas.
- The former Executive Golf Course south of Serrano Parkway would be developed as a senior living facility with
- 1,000 independent living dwelling units
- 200 assisted living dwelling units.
- Open space and parkland would be dedicated.
- 11 acres of civic–limited commercial land use.