CEDHSP challenged by Serrano HOA CC&R Governing Laws

Many residents have requested a document format, which they can copy and paste, to send to the El Dorado County Planning Commission members and our Board of Supervisors.  You will find that basic document below.  Feel free to alter it in any way you see fit:

I am one of the thousands of El Dorado Hills residents opposed to the Parker organization’s plan to build 1000 homes along El Dorado Hills Blvd. The harm it will do to our neighborhood will be irreparable.

The old “Executive Golf Course” is one of the last remnants of open space in the area.  Approving the requested rezone would be unconscionable.

Additionally, we have learned that Parker cannot meet all of the terms outlined in his amendment request because some of that land is already encumbered.  Until they can legally extract that land from the Serrano HOA, El Dorado County should not take further action on Parker’s request.

Thank you,

(Insert your name, residence, phone, title or other relevant info)

The email addresses for the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors and County Planning Commission members and potential recipients are found here:

El Dorado County Board of Supervisors

John Hidahl, District 1               bosone@edcgov.us

George Turnboo, District 2       bostwo@edcgov.us

Wendy Thomas, District 3        bosthree@edcgov.us

Lori Parlin, District 4                  bosfour@edcgov.us

Sue Novasel, District 5              bosfive@edcgov.us


County Planning Commission

Jon Vegna, District 1                    jvegna@edcgov.us

Cheryl Bly-Chester, District 2      cheryl.bly-chester@edcgov.us

John Clerici, District 3                  john.clerici@edcgov.us

James Williams, District 4           james.williams@edcgov.us

Amanda Ross, District 5               aross@edcgov.us

Residential Proximity to Environmental Hazards and Adverse Health Outcomes

Health concerns over building a gas station on Silva Valley Parkway near a school, or placing a park alongside the freeway

Both of these have been options suggested by the developers in EDH who wish to build up El Dorado Hills [CEDHSP and the Costco build-out proposals].

All adding to the congestion, additional traffic, school crowding and more. 

To learn more about the health risks of building parks, or having schools near highways or gas stations next to schools or homes, read this article titled: Residential Proximity to Environmental Hazards  and Adverse Health Outcomes.  

It’s time the community speaks up before it’s too late! Let’s preserve our open space for our families and future generations to enjoy!

Review of Measure E Rezoning vote held in 2015

MEASURE E scorecard

In 2015, the residents of El Dorado Hills voted on Measure E which was and “Advisory Vote” letting the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors know their opinion of rezoning the 98 acres of property known as the old executive golf course, on the east side of El Dorado Hills Boulevard.  The property is currently zoned as “open space recreation“.

The voters were CLEAR on their message. 91.04% of the people that voted said “NO” to rezoning. Only 8.96% wanted change the zoning.  

Developers are trying to push to put between 650-1000 single and multi-family housing units (apartments) in that area equal to about 48 acres.  (If you are familiar with the Pique apartments only a couple miles away off Iron Point adjacent to Hwy 50, that is what 327 apartments looks like. So, this would be 2-3 times that many!)

The loss of open space, the overcrowding of current schools requiring BUSING to campuses 25 minutes away for students in EDH to Diamond Springs schools, and the added traffic congestion for years to come, just doesn’t make sense. 

You can see the full details and the voting report here. 

Resident Comments at EDC Planning Commission Meeting November 14, 2019


In the El Dorado Planning Commission Meeting November 14, 2019, just before COVID, several concerned residents made comments before the Planning Commission. This meeting was recorded and viewed by a little over 200 times. People don’t have the time to view such long, boring videos, so we created a small video for each concerned resident, about 3 minutes long. This video is of the first speaker, Craig Peterson.

There will be a video of each person speaking at this meeting. Do you ever wonder if the Planning Commission ever acts on these comments or are they a formality check off for the Commission to say they listened to the community? Please leave a comment below.

If you are sick and tired of the County dragging their feet on this project, please purchase a yard sign or send them a letter.


Reason 2 (of many reasons) For Not Approving this Rezone of the Old Golf Course.

In the Draft Development Agreement for the CEDHSP (Golf Course Rezone) this is stated:

“E. The Project will provide neighborhood, community and County-wide benefits, as more fully detailed in this Agreement, including:

1. Fiscally neutral impacts on County services (Section 3.9 and FIA); “

It goes on to say “.. a net negative fiscal impact upon the County General Fund and County Road Fund. Developer and County shall form a community facilities district (“CFD”) or other mutually acceptable financing to generate annual revenues to the County sufficient to eliminate the identified negative fiscal impact to both the County General Fund and the County Road Fund.”

In my opinion, this is not a BENEFIT because in fact, the negative fiscal impact will start at the beginning of the project and over 15 years will amount to a deficit of $4,885,000, and the deficit will continue in perpetuity.

How will this deficit be made up? Higher taxes on the residents of El Dorado County. This may benefit the County but NOT the residents!

I don’t know about you but in addition to property taxes and other taxes, I pay about $1,000 additional taxes (Mello Roos) per year toward roads and County infrastructure and the roads continue to deteriorate.

This is not a Benefit.

This is one of many reasons this project is not good for the residents of El Dorado County and that is why I oppose this project.